Friday, August 3, 2007

"Bridges just dont fall in America"

My thoughts and prayers totally go out to families involved and who have lost someone on the bridge that fell in Minnesota. I was watching last night on the news and they were showing family members that still can not find their loved ones. There was an older white man talking about his wife of almost forty years that was still missing, and he said he still had hope that she would be found alive. He had checked all the area hospitals she was not there, her car has not been located meaning that it could still be under debris from the bridge, meaning she could still be in the car, but he still had hope that because she was a very strong willed woman she would still be clinging for her dear llife somewhere. I felt for him and I said a prayer for him and his family.
Please can we get someone to check out Third Mainland Bridge, because if a bridge can fall in America we are in big trouble oh.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I'm back

Okay so I have to start a new blog because my main purpose for writing is to be totally honest about me and my life. I could not do that on my other blog because i was not anonymous and also because like the silly person that i was my blog name was kinda close to my government name and if you only had a tad bit of sense you could already figure out who I am. Then all my business would be in the streets. So here I am going to be totally honest about me, my life and the struggles I go through as a twenty something year old naija 4 lyfe lady living in the states. My plan for this new blog is to be totally honest about everything while still remaining anonymous. I will try to do this without giving off to many specifics.I would really appreciate totally honest comments and feedback from my fellow bloggers. I hope my old blogville friends will still welcome me back with open arms, but then again is my blogsville family and I know how we all do.